Bridgeport Water System Improvements

Bridgeport, TX


  • Municipal


  • civil engineering
  • land surveying

As past City Engineer, we assisted in compiling a city-wide inventory of public infrastructure, that included the water distribution, the wastewater collection, and the roadway and drainage systems. This data was utilized to populate the City’s Geographic Information System, that is now utilized to maintain the public infrastructure inventory.

We mapped the water distribution system with all line sizes, materials and ages noted. The inventory process also located all valves and fire hydrants. BHB developed a detailed water distribution system computer model, utilizing the Environmental Protection Agency’s public domain software EPANET. The system was calibrated with fire hydrant pressure and flow data.

Review of the maintenance records, and model data allowed for the identification of system inadequacies and needed water distribution system improvements. With this data we prepared a short-term (5-Year) Capital Improvements Program with a budget of $3.2M; and a longer term (10-Year) CIP Program with a budget of $9.2M in distribution system improvements. This included establishing a second/higher pressure plane.

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