Dora Street Reconstruction

Bedford, TX


  • Municipal


  • civil engineering
  • land surveying


  • 3, 200 LF

Provided detailed engineering design and land surveying services for the reconstruction of 3,200 LF of Dora Street, a residential collector from East Pipeline Road to Phyllis Street. The existing asphaltic pavement had a highly exaggerated crown, was experiencing poor drainage, and was exhibiting pavement deterioration. Survey services included a detailed topographic survey, setting/establishing of control points, researching and compiling of ownership data, preparing a right-of-way map, and identifying easements.

Engineering services included a concept design report, franchise utility coordination, and preliminary to final roadway designs. The concept design report facilitated coordination of design with all parties involved and contained a description of services, project schedules, proposed roadway sections, drainage analysis, ex/prop location of utilities, opinion of probable cost, and recommendations.

In addition, this project included the replacement of approximately 880 LF of the existing 6-inch water with an 8-inch water line, and the lowering of all water and sanitary sewer services along the entire project length. Significant time was spent working with the franchise utility companies to ensure the proposed improvements were clear and the project would not incur delays during construction. Concept, preliminary, and final construction plans were provided to all franchise utility companies; and comments and feedback were solicited. This $1M public infrastructure rehabilitation project was completed in 2014.

Key People

  • Daniel Franklin, PE

  • John Margotta, RPLS