Glade & Pool Road Roundabout

Colleyville, TX


  • Municipal


  • civil engineering
  • land surveying

BHB reviewed and evaluated traffic counts and the operation of the existing all-way stop control intersection. A traffic study concluded that a roundabout operation out-performed all other intersection control methods. Therefore, BHB recommended a single-lane roundabout with two right-turn bypass lanes, which fit within the available right-of-way and afford performance levels greater than signalization or a basic single-lane roundabout. The intersection is also an established pedestrian and guard-assisted school crossing, and the design incorporated pedestrian-activated flashing pavement lights and flashing signage lights.

To offer pedestrians a place of refuge, splitter island widths were maximized. In addition, a 10-foot-wide by approximately 1,000-feet-long hike/bike trail was constructed along the north parkway of Glade Road, across the roundabout, to the nearby Senior Citizens Activity Center. The trail design incorporated a natural stone retaining wall. Construction of this $900,000 project began in early 2010 and ended in November of 2010. Shortly after completion, the City of Colleyville hosted an opening ceremony where the Mayor acknowledged the project was completed within budget and ahead of schedule. 

Key People

  • Ottis Lee, PE

  • John Margotta, RPLS