North Riverside Drive

Fort Worth, TX


  • Municipal


  • civil engineering
  • land surveying
  • landscape architecture

Complete engineering design, land surveying and landscape architecture services were provided for the reconstruction and widening of North Riverside Drive, from North Tarrant Parkway to Old Denton Road. This is approximately one-mile of a four-lane divided arterial roadway, and incorporates two roundabouts at the intersections with Thompson and at Summerfields. The new travel lanes, turn lanes, medians, median openings,10-foot multi-use (hike & bike) trails, street lights and two roundabouts assure improved connectivity for vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle traffic.

In addition, the existing storm drainage system was analyzed and upgraded as necessary to comply with the City’s iSWM criteria. The discharge for the existing storm drain was silted in and analyzed for future siltation concerns. The project required extensive right-of-way and easement documents to accommodate the proposed widening. Furthermore, coordination with all franchise utilities were initiated at the concept stage and maintained through final design. Right-of-way and easements have been acquired, franchise utilities are being adjusted, and this $8.2M project is scheduled for completion by the end of 2019.

Key People

  • Tom Kellogg, RLA