Santa Cruz Animal Health

Dallas, Texas


  • Industrial


  • mechanical / plumbing engineering
  • electrical engineering


  • 68,875 SF

BHB provided mechanical, electrical, and plumbing engineering services for this project to redevelop a newly-purchased warehouse building to grow their animal pellet production. The property had DX RTUs to condition the office portion of the building, but only had ventilation and heating for the warehouse area. This is a common HVAC strategy, but the client’s production process required temperature control, and the roof structure over that process area was not designed to support heavy HVAC equipment—only ventilator fans.

We worked closely with the client’s production manager to determine the internal heat loads in the production area, then with a structural engineer to determine where DX RTUs could be located on the roof structure to avoid costly structural re-enforcement. The roof could not support a central plant for a chilled water system and there was no available space on-site for a central plant around the building, making DX RTUs the ideal solution.

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