Viridian Professional Office Park

Arlington, TX


  • Commercial


  • civil engineering
  • land surveying
  • landscape architecture

Baird, Hampton & Brown provided full civil engineering, land surveying, and landscape architecture services for a complex of eight office buildings in the upscale Viridian development in Arlington, Texas. This area is set apart from the rest of the city because of the developer’s vision for a higher-end, more modern development. High demand for this up-and-coming area resulted in all units leased out before the end of the design phase. Because of the unique placement of these buildings in the Viridian district of Arlington, our team was tasked with juggling the different standards and coordinating with both the District and the City. Due to the traffic signal at Bird’s Fort Trail, extensive TxDOT coordination was also necessary.

A unique aspect of this project’s design is sidewalks around the perimeter of each building. This was proposed by our team in response to the owner’s concerns about foundation and drainage issues. The sidewalks butting up against the foundation prevent foundation planting, and therefore eliminate the possibility of incorrectly installed landscaping causing issues or damage in the future. The biggest challenge of this project was grading the site to meet ADA requirements and Texas Accessibility Standards and coordinating the grading with the structural engineering plans. Our team also had to consider the floodplain along the back of the site. Public water and sewer line extensions were needed throughout the property as well as an offsite public sewer extension. Approximately 1,100 LF of eight-inch public water main and 1,850 LF of eight-inch public sewer main was extended as part of this project.

The landscape scope of work included meeting both the City of Arlington landscape ordinance and the special landscape requirements of Viridian. All the buildings were heavily landscaped with a variety of street trees, shade trees, ornamental small trees, shrubs, ornamental grasses, perennials, and annual flowers. Special landscaping was provided for a large entry monument sign at the north end of the development which serves as a gateway into Viridian.

Key People

  • Tom Kellogg, RLA

  • John Margotta, RPLS