Baird, Hampton & Brown was recently named one of Fort Worth Business Press’s Top 100 Private and Public Companies. The annual event was held at the River Crest Country Club and recognized companies in Tarrant County based strictly on generated revenue.
“We are happy with our ranking on the list of Top 100 Companies,” said Bill Baird, Co-founder and Chairman of the Board at BHB. “This is a result of a lot of hard work by our outstanding staff and, of course, our great clients.”
Founded in 1992, BHB started out as a small, three-man operation with no work, no clients, and no money. There was one thing that kept the business going: the drive to succeed. Now, 27 years and over 100 employees later, BHB has five service offerings and three locations across the DFW metroplex. Holding true to its roots, BHB is still managed in a conservative manner and the staff all work together with a common goal: deliver outstanding work for customers.