In response to the nationwide scramble to improve indoor air quality during the pandemic, the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) embarked on a groundbreaking project in collaboration with BHB and Texas Air Systems. This endeavor, in relation to the Coronavirus Air, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act signed into law by President Donald Trump, aimed to enhance indoor air quality across UTA’s densely occupied spaces, focusing on key buildings like University Center and the Central Library.
One of the primary challenges addressed by our engineering team was the diverse nature of these buildings. University Center, a sprawling structure built in multiple sections since the 50s, serves as a central hub for students from various disciplines. It is one of the most high-traffic environments on campus, making it a crucial target for the air quality improvements.
Indoor air quality has always been important to UTA because studies show that high levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and carbon dioxide can potentially lead to issues like sluggishness, headaches, and a variety of other health and performance issues. BHB’s mechanical and electrical engineering team, in collaboration with Texas Air Systems, developed tailored solutions for different spaces, considering the unique challenges posed by areas such as food preparation spaces and laboratories.
Unlike typical energy reduction projects, this project focused on cleaning the existing indoor air, emphasizing the importance of utilizing the outside air more efficiently. The project involved upgrading the existing HVAC systems with thicker, four-inch filters to enhance filtration efficiency. This decision aimed to strike a balance between reusing the existing system and achieving better indoor air quality.
Traditionally, buildings rely on dilution with outside air to reduce contaminants, but the UTA project took a different approach. By extracting contaminants from the air, the team achieved not only improved indoor air quality but also significant energy savings. Initial data indicates reductions in total VOCs, particulates, and CO2 levels, showcasing the project’s success in creating a healthier and more sustainable environment for students and occupants.
The use of return air scrubbers, provided as part of the CARES Act, played a crucial role in this endeavor. Installed on the return air side of air handling units, these scrubbers effectively removed gaseous contaminants, including VOCs like formaldehyde, from the air stream. Additionally, the enlargement of filter banks allowed the use of MERV-13 filters, surpassing the standard MERV-8 filters and further improving air quality.
In conclusion, the air quality improvement project at UTA exemplifies a successful collaboration between mechanical engineering expertise and innovative technologies. By strategically addressing the unique challenges of diverse campus spaces, the project not only enhances indoor air quality but also sets a precedent for sustainable and effective solutions in the ongoing pursuit of healthier educational environments.